"Do Not Buy or Adopt a pet on impulse.
A pet is a Lifelong Commitment "'
A average of 12-15 years
Routine and PFC is the Key to Successful, Training.
There are many great educational tools. Weather it’s the internet, books, videos, or a trainer it will always come down to you and your family routine for the new puppy and a lot of PFC (patience, firm and consistency). A puppy just like a young child needs a routine. Start a routine from day one. Have every one in the family on the same page. If everyone follo-------------ws the same routine, training will be faster and easier, especially in potty training. Just cause it’s a week-end doesn’t mean we get to sleep in. It is harder to re-train a puppy/dog once it’s older. I like to explain to new puppy owners it’s like children a 8 week old puppy is equal to a 2 year old. They can only stay focus for a few seconds, a 3 month old= 3 years, a 4 month old =4, and a 5 month old=5 years. When the puppy reaches 6 months they are entering their teen years. It’s important to start your puppy training from the minute you get them home. If you start right away in developing a good routine, being patience, firm, and consistence the puppy will have a good foundation, making the teen years easier and more manageable because your dog will be focus on you and want to become a better canine citizen.!! Please, if you enroll in a puppy training class, be consistent in going each week. During these important training weeks it more for the puppy benefits. It will help your new puppy become socialized with different puppies, breeds, size and age, along with other people. You will have the opportunity to see the development of other puppies and ask lots of questions. Having worked in the pet industry for over 20 years, Grandma Puppy and her team have found some good training videos on you tube. These recommendations came from employee’s at her doggie daycare:
Dog Training Video on You Tube
• Ruff Beginnings Rehab Intro for YouTube (Training Series Part 1 of 4: Best Crate Training Video on first day with Puppy)
• Quansa Kennel Dog training with Pat Muller - YouTube
• Train Your Dog Like A Pro: Perfect Paws - Youtube
• Solid K9 training with Jeff – YouTube
• Cesar Millan dog Training- YouTube
• Zak George's Dog Training – YouTube
• Leerberg - YouTube
Clicker Training Your New Puppy - Part 1 - Upland Bird Dog Training- YouTube
Grandma Puppy recommend the family to watch “It’s Me or the Dog” (YouTube) first. This is what you don't want your puppy to become.
Then start educating both you and your family before you get a new puppy.